
Job opportunities are posted on a regular basis in the Petersburg Progress Index, Richmond Times Dispatch and with the Virginia Employment Commission.

Residential Program Manager for individuals with intellectual disabilities.  Supervisory and two years direct care experience required, criminal background checks, valid VA driver’s license, good driving record, and drug screenings required.   Bachelor’s degree in related field preferred. WAMS preferred. Send resume to Attn: Executive Director Post Office Box 2085 Petersburg, VA  23804. Position is open until filled.  EOE

Residential Direct Care Professional for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Criminal background checks, valid VA driver’s license, good driving record, drug screenings required, and experience required.  Hiring for all shifts.  Apply at 114 N. Union Street Suite B Petersburg, or Send resume to Attn: Executive Director Post Office Box  2085 Petersburg, VA  23804 VA Mon.-Fri. 9AM-2 PM. Position is opened until filled. EOE

Employment Specialist for individuals with disabilities; job development, job placement training, follow-along services required. Criminal background checks, valid VA driver’s license, good driving record, reliable transportation, drug screenings required, and experience required.  Bachelor’s degree in related field preferred. Send your resume to Human Resources Post Office Box 2085 Petersburg, VA  23804, or apply at 114 N. Union Street Suite B Petersburg, VA 23804. By November 4, 2024. EOE

Van Driver

The Human Service agency is seeking a van driver for persons with disabilities. Must have a valid VA driver’s license and good DMV record, clean criminal background; pre-employment and random drug screening required. Part-time position.  Must be able to work split shift morning and afternoon Monday-Friday. Experience preferred. Applicants may obtain applications at 114 North Union Street Suite B Petersburg, VA Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM to 2 PM. Resumes may be submitted online to email: cgray@parcservices.org Position is open until filled. EEO

Please send resumes to:

Human Resources
P.O. Box 2085
Petersburg, VA 23804

Applications for employment can be obtained at:

114 N. Union Street, Suite B

Petersburg, Virginia

(804) 732-0685 (voice)

(804) 732-4988 (fax)