Outcome Measurement Data for PARC July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013
Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (PARC) collects data on an annual basis on each of the core services and programs operated by the agency. Data collected and information obtained from the annual needs assessment surveys conducted with individuals served and community stakeholders are used to evaluate our programs and services and to assist the agency in strategic planning for the agency.
PARC Sheltered Employment (Organizational Employment)
Number served: 40
Primary Disability:
Intellectual Disability
Secondary Disabilities:
- Mental Health Disorders, Schizophrenia, Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Autism, Substance Abuse, Seizure Disorder, Speech Disorder, Diabetes, Obesity, Stroke, Organic Brain Syndrome, Down’s Syndrome, and Hypertension.
- 57% of individuals in the sheltered employment program improved in at least one level in two or more assessment areas.
- 57% of individuals in PARC Sheltered Employment increased in the quality and quantity of work performed.
- 46% of Sheltered Employment contractors responded to the survey.
- 100% of respondents indicated that they were satisfied with the quality of work provided by PARC Services Sheltered Employment workers.
- 100% of respondents indicated that PARC met their expectations in terms of quantity of work performed in a timely manner.
Results of Needs Assessment Survey
- 88% of individuals employed in the Sheltered Employment Program responded to the annual needs assessment survey.
- 97% of respondents indicated that they liked working at PARC.
- 100% indicated that they liked staff treatment.
- 58% indicated they would like to obtain a job in the community in the future.
- 30% of Parents/ Care Providers that had a family member in PARC Sheltered Employment responded to the survey.
- Parents/ Care Providers indicated a high degree of satisfaction with services provided by the program.
- 100% of respondents indicated that the PARC Sheltered Employment Program was beneficial to their family member.
- 94% of respondents indicated that they were satisfied with supervision and training provided by staff.
PARC Work Adjustment (Employee Development)
Number of Persons Served: 9
Primary Disability:
Intellectual Disability- 5
Secondary Disabilities:
- Communication, Learning Disability, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and Mood Disorder
- 44% of individuals were ready for job placement after Work Adjustment Training.
- 30% were ready for sheltered employment.
- 5% needed day support services.
Results of Needs Assessment Survey
- 33% of persons served responded to the survey.
- 66% indicated that they liked the Work Adjustment Program.
- 66% indicated that they liked the way staff treated them during the assessment.
- 33% indicated that they found a job after the assessment.
PARC Day Support Program
Number Served: 30
Primary Disability:
Intellectual Disability- 28
Secondary Disabilities:
- Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Diabetes, Visual Impairment, Speech Impairment, Dysphagia, Explosive Disorder, Depression, Obesity, Hypertension, Hyperactivity, Acid Reflux, Prostate Cancer, Edema, Arthritis, Rectal Cancer, Cancer of Lymph Nodes, Seizure Disorder, Hepatitis B, Schizophrenia, Down’s Syndrome, Skin Disorder, Sleep Apnea, Osteoporosis, Hyperparathyroidism, Bell’s Palsy, Stroke, Hypothermia, and Hepatitis C
- 89% of individuals receiving PARC Day Support Services were able to complete at least one task independently.
- 46% of individuals in PARC Day Support did not have any incident reports for negative behaviors.
Results of Needs Assessment Survey
- 83% of individuals in PARC Day Support responded to the survey.
- 100% indicated they liked the program.
- 100% indicated they liked the way staff treats them.
- 58% of parents/ care providers responded to the survey.
- 100% of the parents/care providers who responded indicated they felt their family member enjoyed PARC Day Support Services.
- 100% of respondents indicated they were satisfied with the level of supervision provided by the PARC Day Support.
Osage House
Number served: 12
Primary Disability:
Intellectual Disability: 12
Secondary Disabilities:
- Seizure Disorder, Autism, Speech Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Behavior Disorder, Diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke, Mental Health Disorder, Visual Impairment, Dysphagia, GERD, Hypothermia, Cancer of Lymph Nodes, and Dementia
- 100% of individuals who reside at Osage House were able to achieve at least two plans of care objectives in the areas of community living, daily living and ability to take medications.
- 100% of residents who entered Osage House were able to stabilize and remain in a least restrictive environment.
Results of Needs Assessment Survey
- 83% of the residents of Osage House were able to provide a verbal or sign language response to the survey.
- 100% of respondents indicated they liked living at Osage House.
- 87.5% of respondents indicated they liked the way that staff treats them.
- 100% indicated that they like their training program.
- 56% of Osage House family members responded to the survey.
- 100% of the respondents indicated that they felt their family member like living at Osage House.
- 100% of respondents indicated that they were satisfied with the supervision provided by staff.
- 100% of respondents indicated that they were felt that staff was responsive to their family member’s needs.
PARC Supported Living
Number Served: 7
Primary Disability:
Intellectual Disabilities
Secondary Disabilities:
- Seizure disorder, Substance Abuse, Personality Disorder, Turner’s syndrome, and Mental Health Disorder
- 100% of individuals receiving PARC Supported Living services were able to achieve at least 2 objectives on their individualized plan of care.
- 100% of individuals were able to live with minimal supervision provided by PARC Supported Living for at least one year.
Results of Needs Assessment Survey
- 100% of individuals who received PARC Supported Living Services responded to the survey.
- 100% indicated they liked the services provided by PARC Supported living, liked the support and assistance provided, and liked the way that staff treated them.
Community Stakeholders
- 39% of community stakeholders surveyed responded to the survey.
- 85% of respondents rated agency as very good in its ability to provide reasonable accommodations.
- 46% of respondents rated the agency very good in the area of community integration.
- 77% of respondents rated the agency very good in the area of cooperation with other agencies.
- 77% of respondents rated the agency staff very good in the area of professionalism.